Fabzo Virtual Tuition Ownership

You can also have a Fabzo ownership in your Panchayath. Direct selling of Fabzo products ensures high returns. Anyone who gets Fabzo ownership becomes the Online Tuition Admissions Authority and the Fabzo Virtual Tuition Agency in the Fabzo Panchayath. That's the way. Fabzo also offers an entry benefit and a monthly dividend.

Virtual Tuition Ownership and Panchayath Agents

We have streamlined the affiliation setup process to make it accessible and efficient.

Fill out the affiliation enquiry form.

Fill out our inquiry form to express your interest.

FABZO Your Schools team will connect within 48 hours

Our team will quickly contact you for further discussions.

KYC Check

A Know Your Customer check will be conducted for authenticity.

Face to Face meeting & Affiliation setup

A personal meeting will be held to finalize the affiliation setup.


Start your Franchise


Top Notch Assistance

  • Business Management Portal
  • Lead Management Support
  • Branding & Marketing Support
  • Curriculum & Training Support

Become a Partner

By clicking on the box, I state that I am ready to being a partner and have read, understood and accepted your Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions

By clicking on ‘Verify Mobile Number’, you agree to receive all communications from Fabzo Your School. Refer Privacy Policy.